Current Group Members
Kai Yang | Soumyaranjan Dash | Bryan Yamashiro | Jiayi Liu |
Jonathan Lee |
Postdoctoral Fellow
Kai Yang (2022-): machine learning for DKIST; coronal magnetic field; stellar flare
Soumyaranjan Dash (2023-): surface flux transport modeling for Sun and cool stars; coronal magnetometry
Dissertation Advisor
Bryan Yamashiro (IfA, DKIST Ambassador): “Sources of Open Magnetic Flux in Solar Polar Regions”
Jiayi Liu (IfA, DKIST Ambassador): “On the Solar Photospheric Flow and Magnetic Field Interaction”
Jonathan Lee (IfA): “Characterizing the Magnetic Energy and Helicity in Eruptive Solar Active Regions”
Dissertation Committee
Federica Chiti (IfA): TBD
Siqi Wang (Univ. Rep., UH P&A): “Forbush decreases with AMS-02 data and 3D time-dependent modeling”
Keyan Gootkin (IfA): “Turbulent Flows in Collisionless Plasmas: Energy Dissipation in the Subsonic and Supersonic Regimes”
Sage Constantinou (IfA): “Exploring Coronal Dynamics with Multi-wavelength Observations”
Simon Engler (Univ. Rep., UH ICS): “In-Situ Detection of Planetary Rover Catastrophic Failures Using Machine Learning”
Postdoctoral Fellow
Sushant Mahajan (2019-22): Now postdoc at Stanford
Dissertation Committee
Zachary Claytor (2018-2022, IfA): “Characterizing Rotation and Magnetic Evolution of TESS Stars”
Christian Flores González (2018-2022, IfA): “The Evolution of Magnetic Field Strength in Low-Mass Young Stars”
Ellis Avallone (2020-2021, IfA): “The Little Stars That Could: Probing the Magnetic Origins of Extreme Flares and CMEs”
Cody Shaw (2020-2021, IfA): “Developing Instrumentation for Photometric Observations of Gas Giants”
Benjamin Boe (2017-2020, IfA): “Solar Wind Formation in the Corona”
Ian Berry (2022-23, IfA): “Searching for Photospheric Responses of Solar Eruptions with Near-UV Absorption Lines”
Jonathan Lee (2021-22, IfA): “Decoding the Pre-Eruptive Magnetic Structure of Solar Active Region 12860”
Jiayi Liu (2020-21, IfA): “What Can DKIST/DL-NIRSP Tell Us About Quiet-Sun Magnetism?”
Jonathan Lee (2020-21, IfA): “Evolution of Bald-Patch Magnetic Topology during Major Solar Eruptions”
Bryan Yamashiro (2019-20, IfA): “Testing the Effect of Active Region Emergence on Solar Wind Origins”
Jiayi Liu (2019-20, IfA): “Improving Magnetic Energy and Helicity Flux Estimate in Solar Active Regions”
Ellis Avallone (2018-19, IfA): “Electric Current Neutralization in Solar Active Regions and its Relation to Magnetic Shear and Eruptive Activity”
Anna Payne (2017-18, IfA): “The Thermodynamics and Magnetic Evolution of Emerging Dimmings Around Isolated Active Regions of the Sun”
Denise Yudovich (REU 2023, University of Florida, co-advising with Kai Yang)
Michael Ito (REU 2021, UH, co-advising with P. Sadowski)
Anthony Pineci (SURF 2020, Caltech, co-advising with P. Sadowski & E. Gaidos)
Angie Minot (REU 2018, Dickinson College)
Jonathan Lee (REU 2018, University of Colorado Boulder)
Jiayi Liu (URP 2018, University of Science and Technology of China)
Lucy Will (2019-24, Phillips Exeter Academy, co-advising with Ellis Avallone & Bryan Yamashiro)