Jiayi’s new paper is now in press in ApJ and out on arXiv!
Liu, Sun, Schuck, Jaeggli, Welsch, & Quintero Noda (2023) “Large Photospheric Doppler Shift in Solar Active Region 12673: I. Field-Aligned Flows”, arXiv: 2307.09709
Our paper on super-fast Doppler flow in delta sunspot, led by IfA grad student Jiayi Liu, is in press! Combining flow tracking and Stokes inversion, Jiayi showed that the Doppler signal came from the Evershed-like flows along the penumbra. (1/6) https://t.co/0p8fQfwMvE
— Xudong Sun (@xudong_sun) July 20, 2023